The Proposed Abortion Legislation Dr Catherine Hallagan, spokesperson for the New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance is hugely disappointed at the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill released by Cabinet today. Dr Hallagan says that Abortion must remain in the Crimes Act because, at some point, killing a child is a crime. It should remain a crime to kill a baby in utero, unless the grounds for abortion are met as defined in …Read More
Position Statement on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance Incorporated Te Hononga Mātanga Hauora o Aotearoa The New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance Inc (NZHPA) opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide. Euthanasia is the deliberate ending of a patient’s life by a health professional. Participation in this practice is unethical. It remains wrong, regardless of a request for it from a patient or their family/whānau. NZHPA supports retention of the current law which makes euthanasia and …Read More
GP pleased Medical Council drops abortion statement appeal
Media statement from Catherine Hallagan Dr Catherine Hallagan, a General Practitioner from Wellington and spokesperson for the New Zealand Health Professionals Alliance, told NZ Doctor that the NZHPA is very pleased that the Medical Council has abandoned its appeal. Dr Hallagan said that she had felt strongly about challenging the Medical Council’s draft statement on “Beliefs and medical practice”since first reading it in 2009. “I was shocked at what I read …Read More